
Due Diligence

HRFM's Due Diligence group has extensive experience in providing IP due diligence services to its venture capital investor and corporate clients in connection with acquisition and sales, equity investment, and licensing transactions.

Our experience includes assisting buyers, sellers and investors in determining the appropriate value and risks that are present in a transaction by performing a thorough evaluation of the target IP portfolio. Depending upon the size of the transaction and the desires of the buyer/investor, various investigatory evaluations may be performed, including:

  • Ensuring that the target products are clear to sell in the marketplace
  • Investigating whether the IP is adequately protected
  • Identifying any associated risks
  • Determining any ownership or licensing issues with the target IP

Our group is also experienced in counseling clients on how to face the unique challenges when they become targets of an IP due diligence investigation. We have assisted our clients in preparing their IP portfolio for the close scrutiny that will occur with any prudent buyer/investor. Such services include: ensuring that target products are free of infringement risks; identifying and correcting any concerns with the IP portfolio; and assisting with the organization of the portfolio and all related documents to ultimately elevate the value of the target assets.

The Due Diligence group is conscious of the unique needs and challenges that will be encountered by each of our clients, whether they are the buyer, seller, or investor, and we are keenly aware of the budgetary and time constraints that are commonly associated with the performance of IP due diligence investigations.

We protect designs that keep you comfortable wherever you are.

We protect designs that keep you comfortable wherever you are.